🥅. Goal: make the page easier to read on mobile and allow people to get to the actual specific sector guidance faster


✔️ Proved

❌ Disproved

✔️ The most important piece of information on this page is how to keep your workers safe, which is information found within the pdf


🏆 The accordions are the most desired section of the page.

The accordions are perceived as the most relevant information because it’s specific information about their business.

The content within accordions is the most relevant to all segments.

City and county officials will go further to gather detailed information in the PDFs.

Reopen your business section

This first section is not perceived as new to visitors. They all agree it’s a nice to have but seems irrelevant to their needs around getting latest information on what can and can’t do with their own businesses.

Business and officials come to the page to get the latest updates on certain businesses to either use it themselves or inform the public. This initial section doesn’t help with this task.

Even businesses that want to know what to do if an employee gets sick feels this section is too general and doesn’t help answer that question.